People think that to have influence you have to: Have fancy credentials (an Ivy League degree or experience! worked at brand-name company!) Be a brilliant expert who always knows the right answer Have…
Posts Taggedemotional control
Why you need a better (emotional) vocabulary
Recently, I went to a chiropractor here in Paris to treat the pain in my lower back. When speaking in English, I have a wide range of vocabulary to describe…
Are you too focused on your performance?
“Leading a meeting, negotiating a deal, doing an interview — you need to think of these as performances,” I used to tell clients. I said that to focus them on…
Are you being selfish enough?
“Caring supremely or unduly for one’s self; regarding one’s own comfort, advantage, in disregard, or at the expense, of those of others.” That’s the dictionary definition of selfishness. No wonder…
Feel Like Nothing’s Happening? Do This To Stay Motivated…
It’s that time of year, at least for me, where I look back and think, where did the year go — what did I accomplish? I was reviewing my notebooks…
9 Subtle Ways You’re Already Mentally Tough
As you know, I think a lot about “mental toughness” and how we can train ourselves to have more of it. But I also think we can get so caught up…
How I’m Breaking My Emotional Addiction
Standing at the crowded coffee bar, I waited patiently to catch the attention of the server frantically busy filling orders. A tall German woman strode up next to me and,…
Want to Bounce Back From Disappointment Quicker?
Do you know the story of the Chinese farmer? When his horse ran away, the neighbors came around to commiserate, “So sorry to hear your horse ran away.” And the farmer said,…
Are You Afraid To Go All Out?
In one of the more heart-wrenching stories from the Rio Olympics, US cyclist Mara Abbott was one of two leading the pack in the women’s cycling race as they climbed the steep…
The Time I Got Busted Not Paying Attention
On Saturday afternoons, I take one of my favorite class workouts, Forza, based on samurai sword fighting, with martial arts fitness instructor Ilaria Montagnani. After the warm-up and technical exercises,…