This culture of endless hard work is getting us nowhere.
It drives us to achieve rather than experience.
Achievement is about doing – wanting to compare favorably with others.
Experience is about being – wanting to engage in the process.
Achievement feeds your ego.
Experience feeds your soul.
Achieve something, you worry about losing it.
Experience something, it becomes part of you.
Focusing on experience takes away the resistance (which is what makes work hard).
As one CEO client told me: “I was trying to be more present, even in the experience of writing email. I had to write a bunch of emails that I was dreading. And in a weird way, it was so much easier. I kind of enjoyed it.”
It colored his whole mindset: “Last minute things came up and it was like, not a big deal, I can do it.”
It eliminates the frantic leadership:
- Trying to check off all the boxes.
- Backtracking to fix problems caused by miscommunication.
- Creating confusion caused by lack of preparation.
And your experience of work changes.
Because we’re not here to get something out of life.
We are life.